Description: During the introduction to the show Brett and Viewer K introduce themselves and explain a bit about the podcast, what they hope to achieve in the near future, and how they both got into remote viewing. Next, they jump into a discussion regarding cryptocurrencies, starting with Bitcoin and leading up to current events surrounding recent news about Ethereum. With the imminent implementation of the Constantinople Ethereum fork, there’s a lot of speculation on how this will impact the block-chain over the short-term. The two share their remote viewing forecast alongside past and present market trends to finish up the show.
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Topics at a Glance:
How We Started Remote Viewing
ETHBTC / Bitcoin Trends and Forecasts
ETHUSD / Ethereum Predictions
Dormant Bitcoin Wallets
30-60 Day Time Horizons
The Constantinople Fork
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00:01 BRETT: Welcome to the podcast where we discuss trends from across the forex futures and crypto markets, while providing a unique vantage point using predictive remote viewing strategies to reveal the markets of tomorrow, today. I'm Brett Stuart founder of technical intuition and author or remote viewing the complete guide and with me is my cohost Viewer K. He's a professional remote viewer and venture capitalist who's been trading for over a decade in futures, forex and more recently cryptocurrencies. And he was trained by multiple members of the original military remote viewing unit with an interest in combing technical analysis with remote viewing techniques to predict future market trends. He used these strategies in the previous two CNBC million dollar portfolio challenges, finishing in the top tenth percent both times, and he has an educational background in a number of engineering disciplines, and so with that welcome to the show Viewer K.
K: Thanks Brett, it's great to be here.
00:59 BRETT: Ya, well I'm really excited to start this podcast, and I think that it will definitely provide value for what's coming down the road. What we're going to be talking about in this episode is Ethereum. There's a lot of news regarding the upcoming Constantinople upgrade which is happening here in just a few days. So stay here to the end of the episode when we'll reveal our current market predictions, both on the Ethereum to BTC as well as the ETH to USD currency pairs over the next 40 days where we see it heading. And also don't forget you can go over to, get the show notes, we'll have a couple of charts for you to take a look at as far as our predictions are concerned and sign up for our newsletter because you can receive notifications for when this podcast comes out. But before we jump into our main topic here, since this is our first podcast, I think it's good to share a bit more about what we hope to do with the podcast and a little more about ourselves, so why don't you K start that off, share a bit more about who you are and how you got into remote viewing.
02:12 K: How I got into remote viewing is kind of an interesting question. So, back in the days of engineering grad school, late nights in the lab we listened to late night talk radio and I heard some interesting characters on a time-less late-night radio show and was first introduced to remote viewing through that. Heard that some of the original military members team were training people and said sure why not. So, got to some of those initial training locations in Vegas, listened to the spiel and quickly became disillusioned because I thought this was viewing and not really perceiving. Met up with another like-minded person and had the big-talk of just, well we were in Vegas, so why not forget this because it's not what we thought and go hit the casinos. Fortunately, he had talked me out of it, said well I agree but let's go see how the first session goes. So, I went in there with eyes wide shut, and just making up everything just had absolutely no interest in doing this, just wanted to go hit the casinos. And so, made up answers. Went out, discussed with him, he talked me into coming back in to see the results, and when I did, much to my astonishment, all but one word that I had written down just made up off the top of my head, corresponded with the target. So, I had to stop and re-think what had just happened. And I stuck with it for another session and the same thing happened. My analytical mind could not ignore that evidence, so I kept moving forward with it and eventually gained advanced training and started making my own applications into financial markets. Like you previously mentioned I started applying them to trading contests and did rather well. The only thing not overcome during those trials was longevity and fatigue. After doing some of the trading competitions I was actually advising people on Bitcoin in 2011 and was part of the first spike and retracement and have been getting back more involved with this as I've had more slack time in my day job. It's time to put a stake in the ground and make some predictions.
05:09 BRETT: Ya, fantastic. And I think now is a good time to, with the movement that's going on in cryptos, which is what this first episode is about, we have some interesting predictive work regarding what's happening over the next 40 days. We'll be sharing that here shortly, but before we jump into that I'll talk just briefly about myself. I'm Brett Stuart, for those of you that don't know me. I founded technical intuition, which is an online training platform for remote viewing, and the technical intuition YouTube channel. How I got to this I had a very similar skeptical approach when I originally got into this, and it was more of a, you have to see it to believe it kind of thing. I had heard about this thing called remote viewing back in 2010 and decided to give it a try and really surprised myself how I could describe a site or a photograph without having any knowledge about what it was, to the level of detail that an independent judge could pick it out of a line up - repeatedly. I think that ever since then, the shock was so great, that even to this day I'm still astonished. I've run thousands of sessions and trained hundreds of students over the past decade, and I'm still incredibly fascinated with its potential use. I've done a lot of applying remote viewing in personal endeavors and more exploratory type of subjects, but more recently over the past year I've decided to focus more directly on the market and to see how it can be used practically in that end. I think that's where K’s experience as a venture capitalist, and also what he's done in that field, while also being a professional remote viewer, coming together to work with myself to create this podcast I think is a unique junction in time as we create this. So we'll see how this evolves, what comes out of this, but I'm definitely excited to share our predictions, we'll see where this goes and also just talk about what's going on in these particular markets, and to have an expert to have an expert in this particular field to get a perspective as well. So to get this topic started, why don't I hand it back to you to give a description. You've done quite a bit of work in the crypto field, specifically looking at more than just Ethereum. To lay a ground work for where our predictions come in and why we decided to look at Ethereum right now, because of where we see it changing soon.
07:58 K: Sure, as probably a lot of people were initially on the crypto side, I was a little bit cautious. That's mainly because there wasn't a mechanism available to us to take the short side of a trade. It was pretty much locked into a buy and hold, but with the advent of a lot of online exchanges to be able to take the other side, suddenly cryptos more interesting than just straight currencies and futures contracts. Why don't I start with a 40,000 foot background on cryptos over the last couple of years. So as everyone knows, 2017 was the year of the meteoric rise of alt-coins. Everything pretty much had gone up thousands of percent in gain and during that time. I kind of saw some of that, as I held the long Lightcoin to the Chinese Onshore Yuan position for most of that rise. What you started to see at the end of 2017, and maybe this is a little too in the weeds, but futures contracts as 1256, they have special tax treatment, and currencies can do the same thing with that election, and by extension cryptocurrencies can also. What that basically means is that 60% of your gains from a trade can be treated as long-term capital gains and the other 40% being tied to short-term capital gains rates, which defaults to your income level. So, what this does is it gives you an advantage taxation-wise vs. short-term gain from like a day-trader. That makes things attractive with the effective tax rate 20 to 26 percent, somewhere around that range. Basically, because of this phenomenon in the mark to market, at the end of 2017 with these exorbitant gains that people had experienced, you're on the hook for quite a big tax bill, so there was a forced liquidation for a number of traders at that point. That really started the avalanche of prices back down towards the mean. You saw this continuing from basically all of 2018 and the second half of the year I had a short position on the same pair Litecoin Chinese onshore Yuan. I closed that out a couple of months ago, and I think we're at a very interesting point as I think the market is very close to a bottom and is about to see a rebound in the upward direction.
10:39 BRETT: And this is where our work on Ethereum I think, why it's relevant right now. The actual prediction work that we ended up doing was running two different remote viewing projects. The way remote viewing works, without getting caught up on the details, is we run these predictions separately first. So K runs his own work, I run mine separately, and sometimes there's even a third viewer that runs work outside the podcast. What happens is we all come back with a prediction and in this case, our first one was Ethereum to Bitcoin, we also looked at Ethereum to USD, and we were looking at what the best position was to take to maximize your profit over 40 days from when we ran the session. So, you're either going to have a long or short positions to maximize your profit. So with that, why don't you share the first prediction that we both independently came to an agreement on.
11:37 K: The two pairs that we focused on initially were ETHUSD and then the ETHBTC cross. So we did a time horizon of 30 to 40 days, and then there's a second time horizon on one of the sessions for ETHUSD for basically 60 to 70 days. Now the first project was the Ethereum Bitcoin cross. From that it had looked like, and this was dated initially the 7th of January, and what I was seeing emerge was another quick short spike down on the pair before a small period of stagnation of a few days and a reversal, a spike up. Then a longer period of consolidation, maybe a week to 10-15 days max before you had a significant increase in value on a long position. Now towards the very end of that 30 days there was a reverse, a capitulation, where you may have an opportunity to short the market again. I have no idea how long because the time horizon ran out, but it looks like maybe there's anywhere from 4 days to a week maximum where you may be able to double up, well I don't know about double up, but add to your position by reversing on that. So, the next thing, it's one thing to have a cross, but how does that really track with something that we can pin down like the dollar. So, the next project was to do a slightly longer-term trend on ETHUSD and initially again we saw a period of stagnation and deterioration for about a week or two. Now this one started offf on the 12th, and a pronounced reversal, and that reversal looks like it would go for about 30 days before you hit stagnation. Now I want to make clear that this period of increase does not look near as extreme as the ETHBTC cross. So, what I'm going to imply from this is that Bitcoin may, and we haven't done any work to confirm this, but it looks like Bitcoin may have some price deterioration while Ethereum is having some price appreciation versus the dollar. So, if you were going to try and trade this and not all exchanges have ETHBTC crosses, but you could do short contracts on BTCUSD and then continue with a long position on ETHUSD. So, I want to point out again that this is an asymmetrical data collection and is not in any way that we're aware of correlated with the news that's out there, but we would like to do is try to figure out how what we know is going to happen in the market, explain this phenomena we're seeing.
15:44 BRETT: We'll, you have a couple of theories based off some rather recent news that's Bitcoin related, of why something like that might actually be happening in the relatively near future. The next 30-40 days, right?
15:58 K: Ya, right, so news is starting to emerge... Well, Bitcoin's been around the longest, or almost the longest to most of the cryptocurrencies, and there's been a large amount of it parked in stagnant or lost wallets, say 60-70 percent of all Bitcoin's were locked up in these. They basically have been sitting for several years untouched, the money not moving anywhere. Where starting to see of those inactive come to life and if it's any indication, the last time this happened, it's happened twice, and the last notable time was 2017 where some of these assets were becoming liquidated, and we think that forced down, that was the main cause for the collapse in Bitcoin, and it took down all the other alt-coins with it. It seems like it might be a reasonable assumption that one of these will happen again and that could be responsible for the deterioration of Bitcoin vs Ethereum over the short-term. So, what's interesting is, the last time they were directly correlated, so Ethereum went down, but this time seems to be different. The erosion is not going to be as bad, but we think that Ethereum is going to be on an upward trend at least in the next 2 weeks or so.
17:29 BRETT: Well Ethereum is a lot newer than Bitcoin, so it's much less likely to have these kind of zombie, dead wallets that suddenly are coming back to life to wreck a little bit of havoc selling off that Bitcoin. And so, I think one of the things that's been occurring and why we think Ethereum is something to really keep an eye on right now, and why we wanted to look at it right away, was because of what's happening in the news with Ethereum, which if you've been following, we're right at the precipice at the moment of the Constantinople fork, which is a switch over to the next update to the Ethereum platform. So, with Constantinople, there are 5 specific upgrades that are going into effect, most of which are basically just quality of life upgrades. The average end-user is not going to have a lot of or notice much of a difference using that specific block-chain. But the big and perhaps the controversial thing that's going into effect is the fact that the actual block value amount for mining Ethereum is going to be going down by 1 point. So, it's 3 Ethereum per block mined, it's now going to be shifted down in this update to 2. And this has been contentious among some groups because one of the big issues is that if you don't incentivize minters across the world to participate in the system then the block-chain itself becomes vulnerable to attacks because there's less dispersion, there's less amount of people mining. So that's what they think occurred on Ethereum Classic, which looks rather like a 51 percent attack occurred, because there simply weren't enough minters which made it vulnerable to something like that. So, most people believe that it's not going to have a negative effect, because the bottom line. There's this thing that's referred to as the difficult bomb, which over the next couple of months would ultimately, unless Constantinople was rolled out, would make it so that mining Ethereum was too difficult to do. Miners would not be able to do it, and they would end up in an ice-age of no new blocks mined, which would obviously not be really great for anybody. So, even if there are miners that don't want to upgrade to the new Constantinople update, it's kind of like they're soft-force into it anyways. Because what are they going to do, stay on the old system that makes it so you can't mine anymore regardless because of the difficulty bomb? That's kind of the hesitation, oh there will be a fork, maybe that'll cause issues where miners will drop out, but if you want to stay using Ethereum, you're going to have to pretty much go along with this upgrade. Our particular remote viewing data, when we looked at this, because we can specific time frames in our work, and we started work on the 7th and the 12th, and in both instances our work was referring that the optimum position to maximize profit was taking a long position on Ethereum, but it's something that we're going to want to keep a close eye on I think.
20:47 K: Ya, so one of the dangers that we do have is right now you have a fork coming up, yet that's not tradeable on an exchange. So, the fork is going to have to happen and then to be safe we'll recheck and generate new data and see if things have changed because right now I guess as far as a usable search term, Ethereum encompasses both forks today. Now, after that happens there could be a differentiation there, but we can't know that. We'll, you probably can but, we haven't decided what would be an effective determination at this point. So, it's easier to wait until it happens and then reconfirm the data because right now it's somewhat a period of stagnation anyway. So, three days isn't going to kill anyone.
BRETT: For sure. So right now, what do you believe would be the best way to use this information moving forward over the next month?
22:02 K: Now, if I was going to take the bold stab based off what we've already seen, I would likely do a synthetic trade ETHBTC. That would be long ETHUSD and short BTCUSD, and that would by the synthetic trade you could do right now. So, it's looking like a really exciting time to be involved and maybe get on the ground floor of the next potential bull run for the next 30 days in cryptos.
BRETT: Ya, and even specifically Ethereum. So other than that, though, do you particularly, based on the work, and your perspective just rapid fire here. What else are you keeping your eye on here other than cryptos?
22:53 K: So, one other thing I've been tracking a little bit is due to the whole Brexit fiasco, I was hoping there might be something interesting there, so I have been looking at the EURO vs British Pound. Similarly, it does look like a little bit of stagnation and deterioration for the next week of so on that before it starts, the EURO starts appreciated vs. the Pound, and that looks like it might go on for a month or longer before a new period of consolidation and stagnation sets into that market. So, it doesn't look like anything show-stopping is going to happen, but we check in again on that in the future. Maybe we'll the Lira looks interesting too, but that's for a future show and future work.
BRETT: For sure. And I think there's a lot of viable topics that we can use this for, remote viewing, to target and see what's going to be happening down the road. So, with that it concludes our first podcast. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Check out, go to the podcast section, you can get show notes, and definitely make sure you sign up to the newsletter because you'll also get updates on when the next episode and our future forecasts are coming out and you can stay in touch. And with that, it should conclude the show, thanks for joining us!
See you after the fork!